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About Me

My name is Amadeus Ferro, and I was born and raised in a small town in the heart of Brazil. I am a software developer specializing in technologies related to C++ and artificial intelligence. I am passionate about linguistics, language learning, literature, and history.
Since childhood, I have always dreamed of learning Japanese, and as a teenager, I decided to pursue that dream. Luckily, there was a wealth of content available in my native language, Portuguese, which inspired me to create this website in multiple languages as a way of giving back.

Amadeus Ferro
/ama'dews 'fɛru/

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When I first started studying Japanese, the availability of free Portuguese content transformed my life. That's why I have chosen to provide 100% free Japanese learning materials, as I believe in the power of accessible education.

While there are costs involved in creating and maintaining these resources, I rely on donations to cover them. Your support and contributions are highly appreciated and serve as an encouragement for me to continue producing valuable content.